Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 10/24/17 13:44:52

Welcome to UT/ORNL BibTeX database repository

Under Browse Source, you will find the BibTeX .bib files used by the UT/ORNL nuclear astrophysics group in writing papers and proposals. In order to help keep filesizes somewhat reasonable, the database is divided into multiple BibTeX .bib files covering different categories of astrophysics.

Adding Articles

If you are writing a new proposal or paper, we suggest you add any new references to a new.bib files, and one of the maintainers will (eventually) incorporate these entries into the database.

Citation Keys

The database relies on a citation key generated by the first 2 letters on the initials of the first three authors, followed by the 2 digit year of publications. For example,

  • R. A. Alpher, H. Bethe, and G. Gamow (1948) Phys. Rev. 73, 803 has the key AlBeGa48, and

  • E. M. Burbidge, G. R. Burbidge, W. A. Fowler & F. Hoyle (1957) Rev. Mod. Phys. 29 547, has the key BuBuFo57.

If there are only two authors the key is shortened, for example

  • J. N. Bacall & M. H. Pinsonneault (1992) Rev. Mod. Phys., 64 885 has citation key BaPi92.

For single authors, we have found it necessary to use four letters to prevent duplicate keys, thus

  • S. Chandrasekhar (1935), Mon. Not. Roy. Ast. Soc., 95 207 is represented as Chan35.

There are a handful of exceptions to these, where the title or other description is more memorable. For example,

  • W. Press, S. Teukolsky, W. Vetterling & B. Flannery (1992), Numerical Recipes (Cambridge:Cambridge Univ.), second edition is represented as NumRec?.

Journal Title Macros

In order to accommodate differing journal title abbreviation, the journal titles in the bibliographic entries are unquoted macros, which are expanded based on the contents of additional files. For articles destined for astronomical journals, the LaTeX bibliography command should begin

  • \bibliography{apj_journals,add_journals, ...

followed by the relevant subject .bib files and new.bib.

For articles destined for Physical Review journals, , the LaTeX bibliography command should begin

  • \bibliography{pr_add_journals,...

since some of the journal abbreviations are included in the RevTex? class file.