Electromagnetic Theory (Physics 541)

Mike Guidry
guidry@utk.edu (Office: 308 South College)
Spring, 2024

TA: Seunghoon Song -- ssong17@vols.utk.edu


Class Meeting Times

2:30-3:45 pm, TR
306 Nielsen Physics Building


  1. Homework: 25% .

  2. Test 1: 25%

  3. Test 2: 25%

  4. Test 3: 25%

Here is the homework assignment schedule. Solution sheets for previous homework are here.

Tests will be either take-home, or in-class open book.

We will handle all assignments electronically. Since a large number of assignments must be processed, you are asked to adhere to this set of rules concerning turning in your homework and test assignments.


Classical Electrodynamics, J. D. Jackson (Wiley, 1999)

Also highly recommended for reference and review: Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J. Griffiths (Cambridge University Press, 2024); Classical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell, A Garg (Princeton University Press, 2012)

Notes in book format (rough draft in development; do not distribute)

Notes in class lecture format

Students with Disabilities

Any student who feels that they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact Student Disability Services in Dunford Hall, at 865-974-6087 to coordinate reasonable academic accommodations.